Webkinz Gem Hunt

How To Gem Hunt

Webkinz Gem Hunt is one of the most interesting game in the webkinz world and it has generated a lot of buzz on how to complete the crown of wonder. Finding all the gems in Arte's Gem Hunt is not easy. So, here's a comprehensive guide on where to find the gems! There are 5 colors of Gems and for each color of Gem, there are 3 levels. Well, with the webkinz gem hunt all of the gems are not in a set spot but there is a specific cave for each gem. Here theyare: buried bones mine- -only place to find the webkinz diamond -all of.

This is a guide to help hunt gems in the Curio Shop.

Buried Bones Mine – Location of all White Gems
– The only place to find the rarest and most valuable gem in the webkinz world, the Webkinz Diamond. Worth between $400-$1000 .
– Level 2 yellow gems (Aurora Rox, Pyramid Plunder)
– Level 3 Green Gems (Jaded Envy, Pearl Egg & Terra Tectonic)
– Level 3 Blue Gems (Rainbow Flower, River Ripple & Aqua Orb)

Barking Mad Mine – Location of all Yellow Gems
– The Corona Topaz is only found here
– Level 2 Blue Gems (Sea Stone & Teardrop)
– Level 3 Green Gems (Jaded Envy, Pearl Egg & Terra Tectonic)
– Level 3 Red Gems (Flare Fyca, Torch Treasure & Lava Lump)

Muzzle Mouth Mine – Location of all Red Gems
– The only place the Red Ruby Heart is found
– Level 2 White Gems (Yum Zum Sparkle & Unicorn Horn)
– Level 3 Blue Gems (Rainbow Flower, River Ripple & Aqua Orb)
– Level 3 Yellow Gems (Starlight Shimmer, Lemon Drop, Carat Eclipse)

Flea Floater Mine – Location of all Green Gems
– The Earth Emerald is found here.
– Level 2 Red gems (Ember Amber & Volcano Viscose)
– Level 3 White Gems (Zingoz Zincoz, Booger Nugget, Goober Glitter)
– Level 3 Yellow Gems (Starlight Shimmer, Lemon Drop, Carat Eclipse)


Howling Horse Mine – Location of all Blue Gems
– The location of the Ocean Sapphire
– Level 2 Green Gems (Cat’s Eye Glint & Moss Marble)
– Level 3 White Gems (Zingoz Zincoz, Booger Nugget, Goober Glitter)
– Level 3 Red Gems (Flare Fyca, Torch Treasure & Lava Lump)

Webkinz gem mining guideWebkinz

Hey! everyone and welcome to my site. I made this 3 or so years ago and (as you can tell by my hits on the right) it has become very popular! I am STILL to old for webkinz but as i do love this website, I am going to pass the torch.

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Webkinz Gem Hunt

Ocean Sapphire Webkinz

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Charmberries (if you are still reading this site I♥U!)