Daisydisk Still Hidden Space

After the removal, DaisyDisk leaves in the system various leftover files, hidden folders, etc. That clutter up the disk space; After erasing the program, problems arise related to it; Mac users can’t find an effective way to remove the DaisyDisk utility and residual files once and for all. The problem here, on APFS, is not running out of disk space in the way that you might in HFS+. It’s the hidden things like snapshots which mean that having plenty of free space according to the Finder might actually not be correct. And the most frequent cause for that are old and very large snapshots. If you really want to confirm this is the issue, simply copy some random big files onto the Mac and see if Hidden Space reduces. However if your Mac’s storage is completely filled up (as in, no more files can be copied to it because of low disk space) and lots of it’s still being hogged by Hidden Space, go to Step 4. DaisyDisk is a Mac app that allows you find what's taking up space on your hard. Upgraded to High Sierra, 40,6 GB of 'hidden space' in Daisydisk. But then still the 40,6GB hidden storage remains. After some search I ran the Disk Utility health check but nothing came out. Ran it again from the recovery mode of the MacBook but still the same result.

  1. Daisydisk Still Hidden Spaces

Sunburst map may look unusual at first, but very soon you’ll get used to it and appreciate all its benefits.

Think of the map as if it was a flower. Colored petals are folders, grey ones are files. The wider is a petal, the larger is the object it represents. For your convenience, all segments are already sorted by size. The files and folders that are too thin to be visible separately are consolidated into semi-transparent petals.

Navigation in DaisyDisk is both flexible and easy to use. Just point to any folder to see its content on the sidebar. Click to drill down. Want to navigate to the parent folder? Simply click in the very center of the disk map.

In addition to files and folders, the sidebar list may contain the following objects:

  • smaller objects are large groups of small files consolidated into a single item. Click on it to reveal the complete list, which may sometimes include thousands of files.
  • struck out files or folders have been deleted, renamed or moved outside DaisyDisk. If you see a lot of struck out objects, it is an indication to rescan the disk or folder so DaisyDisk can take account of the most recent changes.
  • Purple files and folders are restricted, i.e. they cannot be measured unless you scan the disk as administrator.
  • hidden space is a virtual item that may be displayed in certain cases. It indicates that there is a significant amount of disk space hidden in restricted folders and other unreachable areas of the disk. Inside the hidden space, you may find purgeable space (more here), other volumes (on APFS) and still hidden virtual items.

DaisyDisk is a handy application that will scan any drive that you have connected to your computer. Once it is finished scanning, it will give you detailed information of where the majority of your storage space is going. It lumps your files into obvious categories so you can see which types of files seem to be taking up the most space. Not only will it scan your computer hard drive, but it will scan flash drives, ftp disks, and even time machine volumes. This is extraordinarily useful because it will give you the ability to have maximum control over all of your disks.

Once DaisyDisk knows whats going on with your drive, it can help you to start cleaning it out. It will be able to show you unusually large files and even allow you to preview them. If you decide that one of these files isn’t needed, DaisyDisk will delete it permanently for you. DaisyDisk makes finding larger files rather easy because the larger the file, the more space it will take up in the graphic.

DaisyDisk’s user interface can unfortunately be confusing at times. When you first use it, all of the information can cause the user to become a little overwhelmed. However, DaisyDisk does indeed get easier to use, I just wish there wasn’t such a learning curve at the beginning. One piece of information that DaisyDisk doesn’t show is the age of the files. This would be extremely useful because you could easily see which files haven’t been used for awhile. This feature would also help you sniff out those lost files that you didn’t even know still existed.

I think that DaisyDisk can be useful to nearly every type of Mac user who is willing to get past the interface. This is because no matter what you use your computer for, it is important to know where your storage space is going. DaisyDisk’s visual representation of the data makes it incredibly easy to understand. Plus, scrolling your mouse over different parts of the picture gives you more detailed information. DaisyDisk is truly a very useful piece of software and can make any Mac user’s life easier. So if you are willing to tinker around with a program for a little bit, then DaisyDisk is for you.

Price: $9.99

Version discovered: 2.1.2

Supported OS: OS X 10.6 or later

Daisydisk Still Hidden Spaces

Download size: 4mb